Who We Are

Always on the lookout for natural, wholesome solutions that can benefit your family's health and well-being. Tallow is one such gem that often goes overlooked in today's world of synthetic products.

Natural Moisturizer: Tallow is rich in fatty acids that closely resemble those found in human skin. This makes it an excellent moisturizer that can hydrate and nourish dry or irritated skin, perfect for both adults and children.

Skin Repair: The vitamins and antioxidants present in tallow can help repair and rejuvenate damaged skin, soothing conditions like eczema and dermatitis.

Gentle on Sensitive Skin: Unlike many commercial skincare products that contain harsh chemicals and fragrances, tallow is gentle and non-irritating, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.

Eco-Friendly: Tallow is a natural byproduct of meat production, so using it in skincare reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

Versatile: Tallow can be used in various skincare products such as balms, creams, and soaps, providing a nourishing touch in each application.

Cost-Effective: Making your skincare products with tallow can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to constantly purchasing commercial products.

Historically Proven: Tallow has been used for centuries in skincare, demonstrating its enduring effectiveness and safety.

Supports Local Farms: By using tallow sourced from local, sustainable farms, you're supporting small-scale agriculture and promoting ethical animal husbandry practices.

Nutrient-Rich: Tallow contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to healthy, glowing skin.

Minimalist Skincare: Simplifying your skincare routine with tallow-based products reduces the number of synthetic ingredients you're exposing your family to, fostering a more natural and wholesome approach to self-care.

By sharing these benefits with other moms and families, you're not only spreading the goodness of tallow but also empowering others to make informed choices for their skin and overall well-being.